Renaud Doré

Consulting project engineer, focus on IoT

✤ Engineering degree at Centrale Méditerranée, specialisation in aerospatial electronic Sup Aéro, Master of Business Administration IGR Rennes
✤ 30 years in Research & Innovation as project leader in international companies
✤ Author ou co-author of more than 60 patents in wireless, video and immersives technologies domains
✤ Specialisation in IoT (Internet of Things) at Telecom Paris Executive Education
( LTE-M, NB-IoT, LoRaWAN connectivities, localisation, protocols, etc.)

Keywords: project, patents & intellectual property, IoT, immersive technologies

Proposed services :

– Project management mission or as a team member in digital technologies
– Preferred yet not exclusive domain related to IoT : training, specifications, participation to deployment
– Help for disclosure writing or patents analysis
– Technical evangelization mission for potentiel customers
– In France or abroad
